
Our complaints promise

At Essex Glass and Windscreens, we strive to deliver an outstanding service to all our customers. We always aim to do our best; however, there are times when things go wrong.

If you have a complaint, we will take it seriously, work hard to resolve the problem and do our very best to make any necessary improvements to our policies, processes and procedures.

Please make us aware of your complaint using one of the ways listed below and an experienced customer service specialist will be happy to help you.

Send an email to:

Send your letter to our Customer Service Management Team at this address:
Essex Glass and Windscreens
RCCE House,
Threshelfords Business Park,
Inworth Road,
CO5 9SE.

Visit your local branch
If you wish to discuss your complaint face-to-face, you can visit the local branch that carried out your work. For details of the branch please call 01621 826783.

What will happen with your complaint?
Essex Glass and WIndscreens operates a single step complaint process. This means that once we've provided a decision to you, if you are unhappy with our decision you can choose to refer your complaint directly to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

As part of our complaints promise we will:
•   Treat you fairly.
•   Have a dedicated expert to take responsibility and deal with your complaint.
•   Use your experience and feedback to make our service and products better.

If you're unhappy with the outcome or we've been unable to resolve your complaint within 8 weeks you may ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to carry out an independent review.

You can contact the FOS in these ways:

Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 March Wall
E14 9SR

0300 123 9123 (free from most mobiles)
0800 023 4567 (free from landlines)

You can send an email to:

Or you can log on to their website:

You also have the option of asking our Managing Director's Office to review your complaint; we would suggest you log your complaint in writing in this instance so that we have a full record of your issue. This does not affect your right to go to the FOS.

The contact details for this are:

Managing Director.
Essex Glass and Windscreen.
RCCE House,
Threshelfords Business Park,
Inworth Road,
CO5 9SE.

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